The Magic of Inanimate Objects: Bridging British Traditional Witchcraft and Modern Science

In British Traditional Witchcraft (BTW), particularly within the Alexandrian Tradition, there exists a profound belief in the inherent magic of inanimate objects. This notion isn’t simply about infusing objects with power through ritual; it’s a deeper acknowledgement that every element in the world possesses a form of consciousness, however primitive. This belief aligns intriguingly with some contemporary scientific theories exploring consciousness, cognition, and the emergent properties of neural networks and artificial intelligence (AI).

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Divination Dialogue: Oracle and Tarot Cards – Complementary Paths to Insight?, as the name implies is predominantly focused on the subject of Tarot, however this is not the only method of divination. Another form of cartomancy is ‘Oracle Cards’ which have become popular within the wider community. Perhaps these have less occult associations than tarot, or perhaps they are simply easier to read as no underlying systems need to be studied. Either way, they provide an easily accessible path to cartomancy, either as a tool in their own right, or perhaps a gateway drug into the deeper world of tarot and associated mysteries.

In this article, I invite our new authors Celeste Arcana and Alex Grayson to provide their own insight into these two systems of cartomancy. I’m particularly interested to hear our author’s thoughts regarding the history, perceived differences, depth of interpretation possible, learning curves and ideas on how to integrate the two systems if they see fit; are they complimentary systems or does tarot negate the need for oracles? I invite the authors to be open and honest in their personal opinions.

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The Spirited Tarot: A Light-hearted Look at Alcohol and Tarot

Dear Seekers of the Mysterious and the Merry,

Today, we embark on a journey not into the realm of spirits that you might expect in our usual tarot discourse but rather, into the world of spirits that come bottled and brewed. Yes, my friends, we’re talking about alcohol and its curious relationship with the practice of tarot reading.

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Tarot and Our Furry Friends: Exploring the Mystical Connection Between Pets and The Cards

Have you ever caught your furry companion gazing into the distance, and wondered what profound thoughts are whirling through their mind? While our pets’ thoughts might be simpler than ours, they are no less significant. They, too, experience a rich tapestry of wants, needs, and feelings, communicating in their unique, often non-verbal ways. Interestingly, the universal language of Tarot offers a bridge to understanding these silent conversations, providing insights into the inner lives of our beloved pets.

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Exploring the Alexandrian Rose Ankh in Tarot

The Alexandrian Rose Ankh stands as a profound symbol within the Alexandrian tradition of Wicca, intertwining concepts of life, magic, and mystery. Conceived by Alex and Maxine Sanders, founders of the Alexandrian strain of modern witchcraft, this emblem represents a fusion of ancient symbols: the Ankh, the rose, and the lily. The Ankh, a traditional symbol of life, meshes with the rose, representing the magician and the mysteries, while the lily’s leaves peek out slightly, hinting at the concealed knowledge yet to be unveiled.

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Exploring Sexuality and Gender Dynamics in Tarot and British Traditional Witchcraft: A Modern Perspective

Exploring Sexuality and Gender Dynamics in Tarot and British Traditional Witchcraft: A Modern Perspective

In both Tarot and British Traditional Witchcraft (BTW), traditional male and female roles have been long established, based on perceived energies of the sexes, intertwined with god/goddess and sun/moon energies. However, as society’s understanding of gender and sexuality evolves, questions arise about how these paths can adapt or maintain tradition in the face of changing views on gender identity.

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The Role of Tarot in Traditional British Witchcraft

The roots of modern Wicca and its connection to historical witchcraft demonstrate a deep engagement with various forms of magic, symbolism, and Pagan religious practices. The emergence of modern Wicca is credited to figures like Gerald Gardner, who, inspired by existing traditions and possibly connected to older covens, developed Wicca into the structured form we recognise today. This included influences from ceremonial magic, the Kabbalah, and indeed, the symbolic systems like those found in the Tarot​​.

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The Best Tarot Podcasts – 2024 Edition

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the wisdom of the tarot offers guidance, reflection, and a deeper understanding of our personal journeys. In this digital age, podcasts have emerged as a valuable resource for learning, entertainment, and connection, making the ancient practice of tarot more accessible than ever before.

In the “Best Tarot Podcasts – 2024 Edition,” we dive into the vibrant world of tarot podcasts that have captivated listeners worldwide. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or new to the cards, this curated list promises to enhance your understanding, intuition, and love for tarot. From insightful discussions to mystical storytelling, each podcast offers a unique perspective on tarot reading, spiritual growth, and metaphysical exploration.

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The Purpose of a Tarot Atmosphere

When learning how to read tarot, it is important to have the right mindset. You should be focused and relaxed, and building a good tarot atmosphere during your reading can help you achieve the mindset necessary to get the most out of your reading. This means choosing to include things like candles, incense, and dim lights in your atmosphere if you find it helpful. All of these things can serve as a reminder to your brain and subconscious that you are getting ready to do something important.

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tarot cards

Buying your first deck – Which deck should you chose?

One of the most glorious things about tarot, is the huge number of beautiful decks available and the wonderful artists that create them. If you’re not careful, you could spend an awful lot of money collecting all the ones you love best!

However, when you’ve just decided to learn tarot and your browsing for your first deck, the choice can seem truly overwhelming. It’s not unusual for people get analysis paralysis and put off buying a deck because they just don’t know which to choose. For some people, this means they never buy one at all.
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The Best Tarot Podcasts

Podcasts are incredibly popular nowadays. The ability to be heard has never been so accessible; anyone can become podcast star with little more than a mobile phone and an internet connection.

As a podcaster this accessibility is very welcome. However, as a listener it can be difficult to know where to begin and a challenge to find the gems amongst the sea of mediocrity.

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Intuition and Tarot

Here, we’ll consider a hotly debated word in the tarot community: Intuition.

An online definition of Intuition states:

“the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.”

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To Cleanse or Not to Cleanse

A question commonly asked online:-

“My tarot cards are no longer working.  I’ve been told I need to cleanse them – how do I do this?”

Answers typically range from smudging, to bathing in moonlight, covering in salt, covering in crystals, tapping (typically 3 times), ‘resetting’ (placing the cards back in original order) and even burying in the garden for several days.

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Tarot and the Planets

When Arthur Waite and Pamela Coleman-Smith designed the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) deck, between them they managed to include symbology from pretty much every esoteric system available. Therefore it should come as no surprise that astrology and the planets play a large part in the design of the RWS deck.

If you’ve been reading the other posts on this page, you should know by now that the minor arcana cards represent the astrological elements of air (Swords), Earth (Pentacles), fire (Wands) and water (Cups). The major arcana also has specific cards for each astrological sign and therefore, that signs ruling planet as well.

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What the F*** is a Thoth Deck?

I have to admit to being a bit conflicted about writing this post. On the one hand, the idea was immensely exciting and I was really looking forward to writing this piece. On the other hand, I knew that I would only be able to scratch the surface of what is a very deep and convoluted rabbit hole. The more I read, the less I know, the less I know, the more there is to research and the bigger and windier the road becomes. Therefore, this is designed as an introduction to what I have learned so far. There are undoubtedly many people who know much more about this that I do and I’m sure as time goes on, there will be other posts from this blogging collective around the subject and the key concepts behind the creation of the tarot.
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My Experience of Learning Tarot

It’s funny how different people come to tarot. For some people it’s been something their family has always done, others are simply drawn to it, but for people like me who grew up in very ‘no nonsense’ households where anything esoteric was poo-pooed, it is something odd and mysterious that requires a ‘happening’ to be brought into your life.

Tarot was something I was aware of but never paid much attention to. After all, it was just a load of nonsense and woo wasn’t it? Just a bunch of generalisations that could be applied to any situation, a bit like cold reading. Until I learned that my good friend, Steve, reads the cards.

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